In order to adapt to environmental changes, enterprise group learns continuously and achieves its own evolution. If individual enterprises want to survive and develop, they must follow the pace of the evolution of enterprise group, and make the simultaneous evolution, which requires enterprises a timely and appropriate change, so how to define the time point of change and the elements of change is crucial. Enterprise group learning provides us with inspiration and enlighten. development, enterprises "gene", which guides their acts, are formed, that of the external environment, enterprises need to improve their routines, In their long-term survival and is the routines. With the changes which need enterprise changes. Enterprises determine their time point of changes by detecting their own ability to external environment. Then, enterprises contrast their own routines with excellent routines in enterprise group, through the group learning based on genetic algorithm, identify the elements of change, and choose the excellent routines enterprise group taking the place of the poor ones. Then change direction is defined so as to continuously adapt to changes in the external environment.