In this paper, L-tyrosine and L-dopa were used as the substrates to reveal the inhibition of 4-methoxycin- namic acid (MCA) to tyrosinase, finding that MCA greatly inhibits the catalytic activity of tyrosinase for monohydric phenol L-tyrosine but has no effect on the catalytic activity for diphenol L-dopa. Then, the inhibition mechanism of MAC to tyrosinase was investigated by means of the fluorescence spectroscopy and the molecular docking. It is shown that ( 1 ) the quenching mechanism of MCA to tyrosinase belongs to a static type ; (2) MCA forms a complex with tyrosinase through hydrogen bonds and hydrophobic forces in the catalytic center of tyrosinase ; and (3) as MCA occupies the position of monohydric phenols in the catalytic center of tyrosinase, it may provide a competitive inhibition to tyrosinase.