Based on his critical inheritance of Zhong Yong Zhang Ju (The Doctrine of the Mean, byChapterand Phrase), RAO Lu divided the chapters of the Doctrine of the Mean in a different way, which had greatinfluence on later scholarship of this field. According to him, the basic structure of the Doctrine of the Mean was6 parts and 34 chapters, rather than 3 parts and 33 chapters that were set by ZHU Xi. This became one of themain points of later researches on ZHU Xi. Rao Lu disagreed with the idea that the first chapter is the pivot ofthe book proposed by Zhong Yong Zhangnot merely in the first chapter. More so,ju and he intentionally suggested that the quintessence of the book ishe divided the story of "Ai gong asking about governance" into twoparts. The first part, Chapter 20-28 is about sincerity, which was regarded by him as the main theme of the book.The second part, Chapter 28-33 was entitled as Morality, instead of Dao in Zhong Yong Zhang Ju. Raolu acutelylocated the problems of Zhong Yong Zhang Ju, and became a pioneer to do syntactic and semantic analysis of theDoctrine of the Mean. His study showedinheritance from ZHU Xi and he also went beyond him. His ideas shouldnot be neglected when we try to understand the Doctrine of the Mean today.