在对云南省大理州苍山自然保护区的大型真菌采集鉴定中,发现了原块菌属Protubera 1个中国新纪录种:塞布尔原块菌Protubera sabulonensis Malloch,并对该新纪录种进行了形态描述、图示和讨论,标本保存在大理大学生物科学馆(BMDLU)。
During investigation and identification of fungi from Cangshan National Nature Reserve in Dali, Yunnan Province, one new Chinese records of Protubera were found. It is Protubera sabulonensis Malloch. In this paper, morphological characters, illustrations and discussion of the species are provided and the specimens were preserved at Biological Science Museum of Dali University (BMDLU).