A great number of educational assessments usually measure more than one trait (Ackerman, 1992; DeMars, 2006; Reckase, 1985). In order to adjust scores on these different test forms, multidimensional item response theory (MIRT) and its linking procedures should be developed. So far, some researchers have already extended UIRT linking methods to the multidimensional structure (Davey et al., 1996; Hirsch, 1989; Li Lissitz, 2000; Min, 2003; Yon, 2006). There were numerous studies comparing MIRT linking methods in the literature. However, although choosing anchor items was of great importance in common item designs, a few of studies compared MIRT linking methods under different common item designs. It was still in doubt that, how we could choose the common items across different MIRT linking methods. The purpose of this study was to compare five MIRT linking methods under two kinds of common item choosing strategies in various situations. The study was a mixed measure design of simulation conditions (between-factors) and linking methods (within-factor). There were six between-factors: (1) 2 test lengths (40 items and 80 items); (2) 2 levels of the proportion of the number of items in one dimension to another (1:1 and 1:3); (3) 3 anchor lengths (1/20, 1/5 to 1/3 of total test); (4) 2 strategies of choosing common items (averagely choosing the items in all dimensions or choosing according to the proportions of items in every dimension); (5) 3 correlations between two ability dimensions (r=0, 0.5, 0.9); (6) 2 levels of equivalent/non-equivalent ability levels between two populations. The five MIRT linking methods we investigated were: Mean/Mean (MM) method, Mean/Sigma (MS) method, Stoking-Lord’s (SL) method, Haebara’s (HB) method and Least Square (LS) method. Under each condition, the number of examinees was fixed as I =2000, and 30 replications were generated. BMIRT (Yao, 2003) was applied to estimate item and ability par