《绿色建筑评价标准》推行以来,对国内建筑质量水平的提高起到了重要作用.但因其评价对象涵盖范围狭窄,导致有关绿色校园评价相对欠缺.通过对LEED V4与新版《绿色建筑评价标准》在节地、节能、节水和节材四个方面进行比较研究,指出我国绿色校园建设应加强全生命周期整合、统一设计与运行以及深化评价定量项细节,为日后绿色校园建设提供指导.
The Assessment Standard for Green Building plays a greatly significant role to guild nationr s greenbuilding since it hasbeen carried out. However, due to the narrow range of evaluation object, the evaluation ofgreen campus is still deficient. This paper compares The Green Building Assessing Standard of China and LEED V4from the following aspects: saving on land, energy, water and materials. Based on the comparison, the authordiscovered that, the green campus construction should focus on life-cycle integration, consistence between designand operation, deepening quantitative details and aiming at providing a reference source for the establishment ofgreen campus building.