以我国制造业1980—2006年相关数据为基本资料,运用卡尔多.凡登定律(Caldor—Verdoorn Law)来检验我国制造业是否存在劳动生产率的规模递增效应。并根据生产率增长的需求驱动路径来分析制造业劳动力结构变动对劳动生产率增长的影响,在此基础上采用偏离-份额分析法(Shift-Share Analyze)方法来进一步分解劳动力结构变动对劳动生产率增长的贡献。研究结果表明,我国制造业至少在1995—2006年问存在生产率增长的规模递增效应,且在这阶段间存在着地区间剩余劳动力的转移;偏离-份额分析法分解则表明地区间劳动力的流动对我国制造业劳动生产率增长的贡献份额较低.劳动生产率增长的重要来源是各地区行业本身劳动生产率的内部提升。
This paper firstly tests the effect of increasing returns to scale by using Caldor-Verdoorn Law based on the data of China manufacturing sectors during 1980-2006. Then, it analyzes the impact of labor structure changes on labor productivity increase in terms of the demand-driven productivity increase path. Finally, we decompose the labor structure changes' contribution to the labor productivity increase. The results show as follows: The increasing returns to scale effect of productivity increase existed in China manufacturing industries during 1995-2006, and there was a trans-regional migration of surplus labor at this stage; Shift-share decomposition indicates that trans-regional labor migration contributed little to the labor productivity increase, while the internal increase in the labor productivity of these industries in all regions contributed most.