By using structural equation model (SEM) latent variable path analysis technique, we studied the influ- ence factors and mechanism of farmers forestry income under the background ofcollective forest reform.The results showed that: a new round of collective forest reform achieved remarkable results, forest resources not only for the farmers direct income effect, but by influencing farmers' forestry management investment behavior and affect farm- ers forestry income.But farmers forestry production and management was still in the investment stage, the current forestry production couldn' t be reasonably expected to return, and the yield forestry production and management was relatively not very high. Construction of infrastructure for forest farmers forestry production and business activities had a crowding-out effect. Forestry production and management inputs lacked of motivation. Finally, we proposed to consolidate the results of the reform of collective forest right system, to enhance the level of forestry management development, to increase financial support for forest production and management,and to improve the overall efficiency of forestry production.