Early diagnosis is a one of the key to improve the breast cancer patients' prognosis.To investigate the breast cancer serum-biomarkers,high-abundant protein was depleted from 400(portion) breast cancer patients' serum and 40 healthy control serum.The enriched proteins were then separated by 2D-PAGE(two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis) and the gels were dyed by silver-stain,then three different proteins were eluted from the gels.MOLDI TOF MS(matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization flying mass) analysis revealed the identity of those proteins are:① human crystal structure of the fxia catalytic domain in complex with Ecotinm84r;② human IAP-like protein 2(Inhibitor of apoptosis protein(IAP)-like protein-2(ILP-2),and ③ haptoglobin alpha(2FS)-beta precursor(HP).Western-blot revealed that ILP-2 has higher concentration in breast cancer patients serum compare to those control subjects and it is a hopeful serum-biomarker for diagnosis of breast cancer.This study provides a practicable approach to seek any other potential candidate as early diagnostic biomarkers in human malignant tumors