As the representation of the typical river basin of headwater of the Yangtze River, Tibetan Plateau, Dongkemadi River Basin has glacier and snow accumulation. This paper uses the Snowmelt Runoff Model to simulate effects of different divisions of Dongkemadi River Basin to the hydrological process and simulate temperature at different stations as the driving factor to the effects of hydrological simulation, based on the hydrological data and meteorological data observed from May to October in 2005. According to the simulations, a final simulation scheme is selected as the final decision. The simulation result of different divisions of Dongkemadi River Basin shows its effect to the simulation. Simulation using different temperatures as driving factor shows that the SRM model is very sensitive to the effects of different temperatures. The correlation analysis shows that the correlation between runoff and air temperature is relatively good with best linear correlation coefficient reaching 0.72, but it can only reach 0.20 between runoff and precipitation. Based on the simulation and correlation analysis, the appropriate division and representative air temperature are selected to simulate the Dongkemadi River Basin's hydrological process. The coefficient of Nash Sutcliffe (R^2) is 0.83 and the volume difference of streamflow is 0.95%. Considering the sensitivity of the SRM model to air temperature, we simulated the relationship among air temperature, precipitation and runoff when the temperature rises by 1℃. The simulation result shows that: (1) The total amount of streamflow in the simulation period changed from 25.5 ×10^6m^3 to 33×10^6m^3 ; (2) The glacial mass balance line ascended from 5600 m to 5750 m and the area of ablation in Dongkemadi enlarged from 5.8 km^2 to 13.5 km^2, so that the contribution of the streamflow from glacial ablation is much greater; (3) because of the rise of air temperature, the speedup of snowmelt and the change of precipitation state are the main reasons of the ru