The most typical models of spatial topological relations are Region Connection Calculus(RCC)and 9-intersection model. However, there are few contributions on topological relations of concave regions in which the representative model is Cohn' s RCC23. There are some limitations of RCC23 especially in practical applications due to its less expressiveness. On the basis of Egenhofer' s and El-Geresy' s general methods for spatial reasoning, this paper completed the following work: 9-intersection matrix is extended to 16-intersection matrix; RCL-23 is refined to RCC62 based on 16-intersection matrix;the Conceptual Neighborhood Graph (CNG)and the Closest Topological Relation Graph( CIRG) of RCC62 are given; reasoning rules for RCC62 composed relations are presented. There are 39 new relations in RCC62, which is more expressive than RCC23 ;Base on the reasoning rules of RCC62,the composition table of RCC62 can be derived.