从柴达木盆地沙漠结皮中分离到19株细菌,16S rRNA基因序列的系统发育分析表明,其归属于海球菌属(Marinococcus)、芽孢杆菌属(Bacillus)、糖球菌属(Gracilibacillus)、动球菌属(Planococcus)、动杆菌属(Planomicrobium)、盐水球菌属(Salinicoccus)和盐单胞菌属(Halomonas)7属,以海球菌属为优势属。耐盐碱性实验结果表明,19株菌株均为耐碱和中度嗜盐细菌。固沙实验表明19株细菌均能使沙子凝结成团块状,以菌株AX1(Salinicoccus hispanicus)固沙作用最强,其凝结沙块结皮的厚度达7.456mm。
We isolated 19 bacteria strains from the desert crust in the Qaidam basin by means of pure culture techniques. Phylogenetic analysis of 16 S rRNA gene sequences of the strains show that the isolates are affiliated with 7 genera,i. e. Marinococcus,Bacillus,Gracilibacillus,Planococcus,Planomicrobium,Salinicoccus and Halomonas,and Marinococcus is the dominant genus. The experiment results show that 19 bacteria strains belong to moderate halophilic and alkalitolerant bacteria. Furthermore,the liquid cultures of these 19 strains have the sand aggregation effects to form the sand crust.