山东栖霞方言伴随义介词有四个语音形式:“和[x ^44]”“和[xuo^44]”“囗[xu n^44]”和“囗[xuη^44]”。文章在栖霞方言语言事实的基础上,联系汉语史及其他方言的语言事实证明,栖霞方言的伴随义介词有三个来源:其中的“和[x?44]”为普通话影响的结果;“和[xuo^44]”是由词义为拌合、连同的动词“和[xuo^44]”语法化而来;“囗[xu n^44]”“囗[xuan^44]”是由使役动词“唤[xuan^44]”语法化而来。这一语言事实可为学界有关伴随义介词的其中一个来源为使役动词“唤”的观点提供方言佐证。
Prepositions with adjoining meaning in Qixia dialect bear four phonetic forms of [x 44], [xuo44],[xu n44], and [xuη44]. This paper explores their origins by taking into account of the language facts of Qixia dialect as well as that of other dialects: "[x 44]" stems from the influence of Chinese Putonghua; "[xuo44]" comes from the grammaticalization of the merger and/or blender of its semantic meaning and its alongside verbs "He[xuo44]"; "[xu n44]" and "[xuη44]" resulting from the grammaticalization of the causative verb "Huan[xuan44]". This finding provides dialectical evidence to the standpoint that causative verb is one of the sources of prepositions with adjoining meaning.