为减缓交通拥挤,降低污染物排放,提出基于GPS数据可视化的拼车系统体系结构,讨论城市交通路网构建、用户路径信息获取、匹配方案查询、空间数据可视化的设计与实现方法。在此基础上,基于。 NET平台开发一套基础软件,基于Processing平台开发拼车信息数据可视化系统。对沈阳市500名真实用户的出行路线进行的分析测试验证了该智能拼车系统的可行性及实用性。
To reduce the traffic congestion and pollutant emissions,an intelligent carpooling system based on GPS data was pro-posed.The design and implementation of the aspects including the construction of urban traffic network,the access of GPS infor-mation,the matching method and the visualization of data were mainly discussed.The development of the system was based on the. NET platform and the processing platform.The system was verified to be feasible and practical by an experiment on about 500 routes.