以分月扇舟蛾Clostera anastomosis(L.)为材料,以I-72杨为对照,研究南京林业大学新近引进的18个美洲黑杨(Populus deltoides L.)无性系在实验室条件下的抗虫性,筛选出11个具有较强抗性的无性系,并分析不同无性系的抗性与其叶片中主要营养物质和次生代谢物质含量的关系,初步解释其抗性机理。其研究结果为今后进行林间试验,选育出在生产上具有推广价值的美洲黑杨优良抗虫品系提供科学依据。
The paper reported resistance of 18 clones of Populus deltoids L., introduced by Nanjing forestry university recently, to larvae of Clostera anastomosis ( L. ). Eleven clones with higher resistance were screened. Their protein, sugar and phenol contents were also examined, the results will be waseful for selecting new resistant poplar strains, to the insect.