设A是正则乘子Hopf代数,R是A-双余模代数,首先定义了A.双余模双代数,并利用它构造了L—RSmash积的对偶形式,即R×A上一种非平凡的乘子Hopf代数结构,称之为L-R Smash余积.然后给出了L—RSmash余积上的积分和*-结构.
Let A be a regular multiplier Hopf Mgebra and R be an A-bicomodule algebra. The authors define an A-bicomodule bialgebra and construct a non-trivial multiplier Hopf algebra on R~A, called an L-R smash coproduct which is the duM of the L-R smash product. The integrals and ,-operators on the L-R smash coproduct are also obtained.