不锈钢在含Cl-的溶液中常萌生表面呈多孔花边盖状(Lacy cover)蚀孔,在花边盖下的蚀坑内表面隐藏着不断侵蚀,这种有趣的点蚀常加剧材料的失效.采用精细316 ss微电极面积调控形成单一点蚀孔来研究点蚀,获得其点蚀发展的动力学数据,根据Fick扩散定律可知点蚀稳定生长条件为蚀坑内电流密度(i)与深度(a)之积存在一个点蚀稳定范围.并用新的超声电解池证实花边盖对亚稳态点蚀的生长的作用.
Concerning pitting corrosion on the stainless steel,a lacy cover is produced in chloride solution,and under which the aggressive pitting anolyte undercuts the inner pits wall.The metastable and stable pitting current transients were recorded on small 316 SS working electrode by electrochemical potentiostatic measurements.Therefore,the pit stability product is the product of anodic current density and depth,ia,which for an open cavity can be calculated for the evaluation of pitting stability.Analysis of the ...