With the development of social economy, highly centralized social wealth, and rapid improvement of ur- banization, China has stepped into high- -risk society. Disaster risk early warning is meaningful to emergency rescue and contingency planning. However, there are no intense research of risk early warning for waterlogging disaster at home and abroad. The theory, basic procedure, indicator system and conceptual model of risk early warning for waterlogging dis- aster were developed base on natural disaster risk theory, regional disaster sys- tem theory, disaster risk early warning theory. The risk early warning for water- logging disaster based on risk assessment takes simple weather warning further ex- tension into disaster risk early warning by integrating traditional weather early warning and risk assessment result ac- cording to hazard-affected body features. The risk early warning for waterlogging disaster can not only predict the water- logging disaster, but also the potential loss caused by it. The study is specifical- ly intend to support local and national government agencies of waterlogging disaster management for making resource allocation decisions and high-level plan- ning decisions.