The contents of fatty acids in nine different oils of Camellia spp. wereanalyzed by GC using methyl pentadecanoate as the internal standard. The triglycerides were specially hydrolyzed by the use of pancreatic lipase, 2-monoglyeeride was isolated by thin layer chroma tography and then was analyzedby gas chromatography. The results showed that five kinds of fatty acids presented in tested samples of which were palmitie acid, stearic acid, oleic acid, linoleic aicd and linolenic acid. Contents of oleic acid and unsaturated fatty acids in Ca- mellia chekiango[eosawere the highest with 82.79 and 84. 77 g/100 g, respectively. The fatty acids in Sn 2 were mainly oleic acid and lino leic acid, and of which were the highest in C. brevistylaoil with 82.96% and 92. 89%, respectively. It means that the major fatty acids present in camellia seed oil were the unsaturated fatty acid swhich are easily digested.