Certain protected areas in China are transitioning to National Park System Pilot Areas, in which local community perception is a key issue. Based on three types of protected areas and four towns, Qianjiangyuan National Park System Pilot Area is one such transitional area. However, the local communities have little knowledge about new administrative measures and communities in different regions (including original protected areas and townships)have a long and complicated relationship with park administrative measures. It is inferred that community clusters at different regional scales may have different perceptions of the park and its transition. Based on data from 376 questionnaires, we used exploratory factor analysis to acquire seven basic administrative measures consisent with current international national park administrative measures. The perception towards co-management and zoning are respectively the strongest and weakest. The result of ANOVA test showed that the seven basic administrative measures are relevant to four towns' administrative policies. For instance, communities from Suzhuang Town are the most sensitive to zoning policy, which could be attributed to strict protection of nearby Gutian Mountain Nature Reserve. In contrast, communities from Changhong Town perceives the strongest functioning policy, which is the result of their high involvement in tourism. For future policy making, the management committee of the Pilot Area should consider communities' appeal based on different regions and development conditions. For example, Suzhuang and Changhong Town should respectively pay attention to resident welfare and tourism concession policy to achieve coordinated development between the national park and local community.