China is both the largest supplier and consumer of rare-earth in international market.From the perspective of China, the market structures at home and abroad evolves starting from the perfect competition in different ways: the international rare-earth market is evolving to monopoly and then to competition;the domestic market is evolving to monopoly.Intergrating both domestic and international markets into together, we have four market combinations: ① international and domestic market structures are in competition;② the international market structure is in monopoly and domestic market structure is completely competitive;③ international and domestic market structures are in monopoly;④ the international market structure is completely competitive and domestic market is in monopoly.We found that under market combination.When international and domestic market structures are completely competitive, the optimal exploitation rate of rare earth is the highest;under market combination ③ when the domestic and international markets are monopolized, the optimal exploitation rate of rare earth is lowest.Under the other two kinds of market conditions of ② and ④, the optimal exploitation rates of rare earth are in the middle.When the export volume of rare earth is more than the domestic consumption, the optimal exploitation rate of rare earth under combination ④ is larger than that under combination ②.When the domestic market share is more than the international market share, the optimal exploitation rate of rare earth is larger in condition ② than that in condition ④.