建立检测大豆异黄酮5种组分(染料木素、染料木苷、大豆苷元、大豆苷和黄豆黄苷)含量的高效液相色谱法,并且测定了大豆各组织和不同时期胚的异黄酮含量。色谱条件:Phenomenex C18色谱柱(150 mm×4.6 mm,5.0μm);流动相:甲醇-水(30∶70,v/v);流速:1 mL.min-1,检测波长:254 nm;柱温:40℃,进样量:10μL。试验建立的色谱条件能使大豆异黄酮主要组分得到很好分离,线性关系R2为0.9994~0.9998,回收率为99.29%~100.76%且变异系数小于3%,适用于大豆异黄酮不同组分的检测。不同大豆品种异黄酮含量表现为:吉林32〉GR8836〉吉大豆2号〉平安8〉小黑豆〉吉林47〉吉林35〉吉大豆1号;吉林32各组分大豆异黄酮含量表现为:大豆籽粒〉60 d胚〉50 d胚〉40 d胚〉花〉荚〉20 d胚〉30 d胚〉叶〉根〉茎。
The five soybean isoflavones components including Genistein,Genistin,Daidein,Daidzin and Glycitin were determined and separated by the established HPLC method,and isoflavones in different tissues and different grow stages of embryo were measured.The HPLC condition we have established:an phenomenex C18column(150 mm×4.6 mm,5.0 μm)was applied;the mobile phase was MeOH ∶H2O=30 ∶70;the temperature of column was 40℃;the flow rate was 10 mL·min-1;detective wavelength was set at 254 nm.The peak area of five isoflavones had a good linearity with a correlation coefficient of 0.9994-0.9998,and the recoveries of standard spiling of isoflavones were in the range of 99.29%-100.76% with RSD less than 3%.This method was suitable for determination of isoflavones in soybean and other cereal products.The isoflavone content among soybean varieties was Jilin 32 GR8836Jidadou 2 Pingan 8 XiaoheidouJilin 47Jilin 35Jidadou 2,and soybean isoflavone content of Jilin 32 was that in seeds60 d embryos50 d embryos40 d embryosflowerspods20 d embryos30 d embryosleavesrootsstems.