针对传统单工位装配序列求解上的不足,将粒子群算法应用于多工位多目标装配序列优化的求解,提出一种面向复杂多工位产品的装配序列优化方法。采用优先序列图(Assembly precedence graph,APG)来描述零件间的优先约束关系,构建优先关系矩阵、装配干涉矩阵、工位能力表和装配信息表,描述装配部件干涉及工位之间的关系;给出粒子群算法编码体系和装配关系算法模型表达方法;综合考虑装配操作成本、装配工具更换成本和装配夹装变更成本和运输成本的影响,提出有工程意义的适应度函数的表达式;根据APG生成随机的可行初始装配序列,并利用粒子群算法(Particle swarm algorithm,PSO)对装配序列和装配工位进行优化。以飞机起落架装配序列规划实例验证多工位粒子群装配序列优化算法有效性。
In order to solve the shortage by the traditional single station algorithms for the assembly sequence planning(ASP),a new method is presented to solve the multi-station ASP problem based on particle swarm optimization(PSO) algorithm.The assembly precedence constraint relationship is described by assembly precedence graph(APG) model,and the assembly precedence matrix,assembly interference matrix,station capability table and assembly information table is constructed to describe the interference and station relationship of assembly parts.The coding representations and assembly relation description of particles swarm are studied.The fitness function with engineering meaning is proposed with comprehensive consideration of assembly operation cost,assembly tool change cost,assembly setup change cost and general transportation cost.The geometric feasible assembly sequences and station allocation is initialized according to the APG and optimized based on PSO.An aerospace landing gear assembly application case demonstrates the availability of PSO algorithm.