由于三维地质结构模型和地下水面(包括潜水水面和承压水水面)模型开展地面沉降机理研究的重要基础,因此,本次利用Visual C++和Open GL(Open Graphics Library)将苏州-无锡-常州(简称苏锡常)地区第四系含水层结构和地下水位形态进行三维虚拟表达,创建了酷似于实际情况的地下水赋存环境(三维地质结构模型),并在该环境中添加了各含水层的水位线。研究者可交互操作于该虚拟环境,并能够直观形象地了解研究区内的水文地质情况(各地层间的空间分布及岩性特征、含水层间的补给关系及地下水位的动态过程等),从而获得身临其境的感受,为进行地面沉降机理研究提供一个基础性的辅助方法。
Based on the developing environment of Visual C ++ and OpenGL, the visualizing model of 3D hydrogeological structure and hydraulic head in the aquifers in the Suzhou-Wuxi-Changzhou area in eastem China has virtually been simulated, for building the model of 3D hydrogeological structure and hydraulic head is the basic works when the mechanism of land subsidence is examined. In this model, the virtually simulated geological environment in which groundwater occurs is vividly similar to the real case and hydraulic heads of the aquifers can be expressed in the geological framework. By interactively operating the virtual model, a physical effect can be produced and researchers can learn hydrogeological information such as the strata at any position or any depth, the hydraulic links between aquifers and dynamic process of uplifting or depressing of groundwater levels, and so on. The work makes it easy to study the mechanism of subsidence.