扩散系数(Diffusion coefficient,D)是生物分子的一个重要的物化参数,可用来表征溶质分子在溶液中的特性.扩散系数除了能反映分子尺寸或溶液粘度等参数外,更能反映分子形状及分子间相互作用的相关信息.迄今为止,已有多种测定蛋白质扩散系数的方法,包括核磁共振、动态光散射及泰勒分散等㈦,其中泰勒分散理论及其扩散系数测定方法,具有广阔的发展前途.
A method for the fast and accurate measurement of diffusion coefficient of minute proteins was developed. A protein sample plug was introduced into the capillary, and forced to flow through a capillary coated dynamically by poly(diallyldimethylammonium chloride). Its concentration profile was then monitored by the UV absorption detector mounted on Beckman MDQ capillary electrophoresis system. Accurate diffusion coefficient was obtained. The key conditions for the accurate measurement include : ( 1 ) systematic peak should be developed in a laminar flow; (2) radius diffusion is negligible compared with the longitudinal diffusion; (3) the capillary is well thermostated and (4) the solute should not be overloaded. In common case, the deviation of the measurement was kept within 4%.