冬葵(Malva verticillata L.)是一种具有很高药用价值的蒙药,实验以冬葵叶片和茎段为外植体诱导愈伤组织,为冬葵的快繁和细胞培养奠定基础。实验结果如下:冬葵叶片和茎段最适消毒条件是0.1%升汞分别消毒50s、2.5min;叶片和茎段诱导愈伤组织阶段最适培养基相同,均为MS+蔗糖(30g/L)+琼脂(7g/L)+NAA(0.4mg/L)+6-BA(3mg/L)+抗坏血酸(600mg/L)。
Malva verticillata L.is a valuable medicinal plant in Mongolian pharmacy.In this paper,we carried out callus induction experiments with leaves and stem sections from this plant as explants,and laid a solid foundation for future rapid propagation and cell culture.The optimized experiment protocols were as follows.The leaves and stems were sterilized in HgCl 2 for 50 s or 2.5 min,and then placed on the developed medium containing MS,30g/L sucrose,7g/L Agar,0.4mg/L NAA,3mg/L 6-BA and 200mg/ L vitamin C.