本文提出了一种新颖、可靠的测量微纳米尺度热电转换材料塞贝克系数的2ω自加热法。给被测样品通一频率为ω的交变电流,焦耳效应会在样品上产生一个频率为2ω的温度振荡。对于热电材料,由于塞贝克效应,将会产生频率为2ω的塞贝克电压。获取2ω电压信号,同时理论求解得到2ω的温度振荡量,将可得到被测热电材料的塞贝克系数。通过直径为25.4μm K型热电偶塞贝克系数的测试实验,验证了该方法的有效性。
A novel and reliable self-heating 2ωmethod has been proposed to measure the Seebeck coefficient of the micro/nano scale thermoelectric materials.Feeding an ac electric current at the frequency of 1ωinto the specimen creates a temperature fluctuation at the frequency of 2ω,and according to the Seebeck effect,a Seebeck voltage fluctuation is generated at 2ω.Combining the measured 2ωvoltage and the theoretical analysis of the transient heat-conduction equation,the Seebeck coefficient of the thermoelectric material can be obtained.This approach has been applied to a 25.4μm thick K-type thermocouple and the measured Seebeck coefficient corresponds well with the nominal value.