Let A be a C^*-algebra. If A is Abelian, then each hereditary C^*-subalgebra (or one-sided closed ideal) of A is a closed ideal in A. Conversely, in terms of the correspondence between the pure state and the maximal left idea, we get that if each hereditary C^*-subalgebra (or one-sided closed ideal) of A is a closed ideal in A, then A must be Abelian. So in a noncommutative C^*-algebra, there must exist a hereditary C^*-subalgebra which is not a closed ideal. Using the main result, we also obtain a simple criterion to check if a given C^*-algebra A is Abelian, that is, A is Abelian if and only for any two positive elements a, b ∈A, there is a'∈A such that ab=ba'.