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  • 期刊名称:口腔医学研究,24(4);2008:361-364
  • 时间:0
  • 分类:R782.6[医药卫生—口腔医学;医药卫生—临床医学]
  • 作者机构:[1]解放军总医院口腔科,北京100853, [2]解放军第306医院放射科磁共振室
  • 相关基金:国家自然科学基金(编号:30572066)首都医学发展科研基金(编号:2003-298)
  • 相关项目:口腔咀嚼功能及咬合改变与脑功能关系的研究

目的:探讨右侧偏侧咀嚼患者单侧交替咀嚼运动时大脑皮层的激活特点。方法:选取7例右侧偏侧咀嚼患者,采用时段设计方法,采集偏侧咀嚼患者单侧交替咀嚼运动时全脑血氧水平依赖对比的功能性磁共振成像(functional magnetic resonance imaging,fMRI)扫描数据,以SPM2软件包进行数据分析。结果:排除过度头动的干扰因素后,7例患者中仅有5例可以采用。个例分析结果显示:右侧偏侧咀嚼患者在右侧单侧咀嚼时不同脑区BOLD信号的激活比左侧单侧咀嚼时更加广泛。5例偏侧咀嚼患者中有4例在左、右侧单侧咀嚼运动时,右侧中央前回(primary motor cortex,M1)的激活均强于左侧。结论:右侧偏侧咀嚼患者在左、右侧单侧咀嚼时大脑皮层的激活特点不同。右侧偏侧咀嚼患者M1对单侧咀嚼运动的调控可能具有同侧半球优势。


Objective: To explore the character of brain cotical response during unilateral chewing in the patients with right chewing -side preference (CSP). Methods: Seven patients with right CSP were studied. The patients performed the task of unilateral chewing, and block designed BOLD functional MRI scan covering the whole brain was carried out. The fMRI data were analyzed by SPM2 software with statistic t - test to generate the activation map. Results : Two subjects were excluded because of excessive head motion. Five out of seven were adopted. The individual - based analysis showed as follows: The cortical activated region was significantly wider during right chewing than left chewing in the patients with right CSP. The signal intensity of right M1 was significantly greater than left M1 of four patients among five during left or right chewing. Conclusion: There may be some difference between the character of brain cortical response during right chewing and left chewing in the patients with right CSP. There may be some relationship between ipsilateral hemispheric dominance to the CSP and M1 responsible for regulating unilateral chewing in the patients with right CSP.
