Previous researches on the relationship between the transbeundary search and innovation focus on the transbeundary search of the technological knowledge, ignoring the effects of the transbeundary search of the market knowledge. By using an orig- inal data set of 270 manufacturing firms in China, this study aims to examine the impacts of the transboundary search of the tech- nological knowledge and the market knowledge on the product innovation during economic transitions and discusses the modulatory effects of two important situational variables, namely the industry competitive intensity and the ownership type. The results show that ( 1 ) the transboundary search of the technological knowledge and the market knowledge can both promote the product innova- tion; and (2) the industry competitive intensity and the ownership type moderate the above relationship. Specially, with the en- hancing industry competitive intensity, the impact of the transboundary search of the technological knowledge on the product inno- vation is increasing while the impact of the transboundary search of the market knowledge on the product innovation is decreasing. In comparison, the relationship between the transbeundary search of the market knowledge and the product innovation is weaker for foreign - invested firms than for domestic - invested firms. However, there is no significant difference on the relationship be- tween the transboundary search of the technological knowledge and the product innovation for them.