Despite the many approaches to estimate interaction effects between two latent variables, historically product - indicator ap- proaches have been the most influential models. The present paper discusses less commonly used approaches in China, the distribution - analytic approaches, which are specialized alternatives for the estimation of non - linear structural equation models (SEM). The distri- bution- analytic approaches include the Latent Moderated Structural Equations (LMS)approach and the Quasi -Maximum Likelihood (QML) approach. The assumptions of the distribution - analytic approaches are introduced and compared with those of the product - in- dicator approaches. The LMS approach and the related Mplus syntax, and the QML approach and QML syntax are briefed. The features of the LMS and QML approaches, and the unconstrained and constrained approaches are summarized in a table. The pros and cons of these approaches are compared and discussed with the appropriate analytical approach under different conditions being recommended.