Under the assumption that the item errors in a test are uncorrelated, if coefficient α is high enough to be accepted, then the test reliability is also acceptable. In such a case, using coefficient α to evaluate the test reliability is the first choice, because calculating coefficient α is much easier than calculating composite reliability, even though the latter is more precise in evaluating test reliability. For a test, coefficient α is an unknown population parameter. It is often estimated by the sample coefficient α, a point estimator of the population coefficient α. Point estimate of coefficient α contains limited information and cannot provide information with regard to how far it can be from the population coefficient α The confidence interval of the coefficient α can provide more information. Thus, a better appraisal of the test reliability is the confidence interval of the coefficient α, which provides the precision of the sample coefficient α. We briefed ten methods for estimating confidence intervals of coefficient By excluding three methods that have poor performance revealed in the previous research, we compared the remaining seven methods by a simulation study. The seven methods being compared include : Fisher, Bonett - 02, Bonett - 10, Koning - Franses exact, ID asymptotic, Koning - Franses asymptotic and ADF methods. Four factors were considered in the simulation design: (a) distribution of items (normal, unifbrm, χ^2(3) andχ^2(6) ; (b) the number of items on the test (p = 3, 7, and 14) ; (c) sample size ( n = 50, 100,300,500, and 1000) ; (d) the methods for estimating the confidence interval of coefficient ct (seven methods described above). Totally, 60 treatment conditions were generated in terms of the a- bove 4 - factor simulation design (i. e. , 60 = 4 × 3 × 5). Confidence interval coverage ( % ) and the bias of the lower limit of confidence interval were used to compare the results of the simulation study. A method is better