为了探讨特殊生境条件下强旱生植物的花粉形态与生态因子的相关性,应用光学显微镜对西鄂尔多斯地区5月份开花的2科5属6种强旱生灌木刺柄叶棘豆(Oxytropis aciphylla Ledeb)、沙冬青[Ammopiptanthus mongolic(Maxim)Cheng f.]、狭叶锦鸡儿(Caragana stenophylla Pojark)、四合木(Tetraena mongolica Maxim)、霸王(Zygophyllum xanthoxylon Maxim)和柠条锦鸡儿(Caragana korshinskii Kom)的花粉形态进行了观察和研究。结果表明:花粉粒近球形至长球形,萌发孔主要是3孔沟,沟狭。外壁纹饰主要是细网状纹饰。同时研究了采样点生态因子,包括地理位置、海拔高度、年降水量、年积温及生境等,特别提供了5月份的气候因子,得出这些花粉分布区的主要生态因子。
In order to explore the special habitat of strong xerophil plant from western Erdos, Inner Mongolia, their pollen morphology were examined under light Microscope (LM) and compared with ecological factors. Six strong xerophil plants are Oxytropis aciphylla Ledeb, Ammopiptanthus mongolic (Maxim) Cheng f. , Caragana stenophylla Poiark, Tetraena mongolica Maxim, Zygophyllum xanthoxylon Maxim, Caragana korshinskii Kom. The pollen grains are subpheroidal or porlate in shape, the ornamentation of exine is microreticulum and the apertures are of tricolporate. After comparing these pollen species assemblages and geographical distribution with local altitude, annual precipitation, annual temperature and especially the spring climate, the relationship between the pollen species, morphology,habitat and environment conditions is discussed.