With the CGE model,this paper simulated the potential influences of carbon tariff policy that may be carried by other countries towards China's exports.Simulating results indicate that it will negatively affect the exports of energy,iron and steel smelting,cement,lime and plaster,fireproof materials and other nonmetallic mineral products,but will promote other sectors exports,like finance,insurance,telecommunication,printing,reproduction of recording media,toys,entertainment,athletic and recreation products,water production and supply,plastic products,extraction of petroleum and natural gas,and pipelines transport.In the macro-level,carbon tariff will depress the enthusiasm for production,hence decrease the GDP,final output,domestic supply and the amount of export and import.Furthermore,the income of enterprises and residents will also drop with the shrink of social investment and labor demand.Even so,residents' consumption shows up a slight increase due to an universal price fall caused by carbon tariff.The abatement efficiency of carbon tariff is rather low from the environmental aspect.