Because of the long age span of population mortality, there are significant differences in the life charac- teristics of the population at different ages. The smoothing method of parameters should be modeled for different age groups, and it can' t reflect the improving trend of population mortality rates over time. In this paper, the two-dimensional Beta kernel density method and two-dimensional Poisson P-spline method were used to reconstruct the mortality rates of the whole age and smoothed them with the nonparametric smoothing method, and the results of the two methods were compared. The results showed that the fit of the two-dimensional Beta kernel density method was better than the two-dimensional Poisson P-spline method for the whole age. But for the side ages and the age of the elderly population, the results of the two methods had respective advantages and disadvantages. If the two methods are combined, it can improve the smoothing quality of the life table.