Hans Lenk is a famous philosopher in the present age. He is called "authority" in field of ethics of science and technology, and philosopher "who leading philosophy of technology in Germany turning to ethics of technology and who first caring for responsibility and ethics of technology". Lenks outstanding achievement in field of ethics of science and technology is his work on the typology and differentiation of different kinds and analytic models of responsibilities. 1) He distinguished insiderand outsider responsibility, it is also said, moraland ethical responsibility; 2) He made a distinction between kinds of responsibilities. Like usually people cuts general responsibility into moraland legal responsibility, he cuts action responsibility into roleand task responsibility; 3) He researched how to distribute co-responsibility; 4) Analysis institution and corporation responsibility; 5) Confronted with responsibility conflicts, he developed ten priority rules; 6) He held, ethics of science and technology should be discussed as s special business ethics. This article discusses Lenks above views.