中式菜肴作为中国饮食文化的名片,为中西文化交流架起了桥梁.旅游英语教学中,加强中 餐菜名的翻译教学显得尤为重要.基于旅游英语教学实践,结合中餐菜肴命名的特点,以翻 译目的论为视角,中餐菜肴英译可以采取直译、意译、直译加注、归化翻译等策略.
Chinese dishes are windows for Chinese cuisine to the Westerners, and serve as bridge between Chi-nese and Western culture exchange. Therefore it is quite necessary to attach great importance to the translation of Chinese dish names in tourism English teaching. Based on the practice in tourism English teaching and the analysis of the denomination features, Chinese dishes can be translated with such strategies as: literal translation, liberal translation, literal translation plus annotation, domestication from the perspective of Skopos Theory.