提出了基于掺铒光纤环形滤波器和多模光纤光栅的双波长激光器。在单波长光纤激光器的基础上,增加了多模光纤布拉格光栅(MM-FBG)和高精细度的光纤滤波器。其中多模光纤布拉格光栅作为激光器的波长选择元件,可产生两个波长的激光输出。高精细度的光纤滤波器由两个光耦合器和一段弱泵浦的掺铒光纤构成,掺铒光纤产生的增益和光纤时延使滤波器具有高精细度的梳状谱响应,从而抑制了激光器产生的不需要模式,保证了输出的激光具有窄线宽特性。以980 nm的激光二极管(LD)作为泵源,得到了线宽为0.07 nm或0.08 nm的双波长输出,表明滤波器具有良好的滤波效果。
A dual-wavelength fiber laser with a narrow bandwidth based on an er-doped fiber ring filter and Bragg grating(MM-FBG) was proposed.MM-FBG and a high finesse fiber ring filter were introduced based on the traditional single mode fiber laser.The MM-FBG was used as the wavelength selection device to produce dual-wavelength output.The fiber ring filter consisted of two optical couplers and a section of weak pumped erbium-doped fiber(EDF).Because of the delay of cavity length and the gain generated by the EDF,the filter has spectral response with a high finesse.The incorporation of the fiber ring filter led to the suppression of undesirable mode and made the output laser narrower bandwidth.With 980 nm LD pumped,at room temperature,the space of the two wavelengths was 0.07 nm or 0.08 nm,which indicated improved the excellent effect of the filter.