Technological progress is always the focus of endogenous e- conomic growth theory, but literature ignores the effects of biased techno- logical progress and factor structure on economic efficiency. Meanwhile, the study on industrial biased technolog production function, this paper emp cal progress is scarce. Based on CES oys three standardization equations to estimate the industrial biased technological progress in China and examines the effect of factor structure change on factor productivity. The results show that= firstly, in China, the technological progress in all industries is biased, and factor endowments lead to a trend of phased changes in technological progress and industrial differences of technological progress; the technologi- cal progress in financial industry is featured by labor bias on the whole that is different from the technological progress in other industries with an alter- nation between capital and labor bias; secondly, the change trend of indus- trial factor structure and its power source differ widely, and the change in industrial capital investment structure mainly stems from changes in invest- ment returns while the change in labor structure is from investment returns and industrial structure; thirdly, the decomposition of the effects of biased technological progress and factor structure on marginal factor productivity shows that the relative marginal productivity of capital and labor in all indus- tries declines due to the decrease in the effect of factor structure; moreover, except the financial industry, the biased technological progress effects in other industries play the role in promoting the relative marginal productivity of capital and labor.