针对空间机器人的特点设计了多种遥操作控制模式,提出了空间机器人遥操作分层控制结构LATSR( Layered Architecture for Teleoperation of Space Robot),并研制了一套遥操作系统,包括任务规划子系统、主从控制子系统、预测仿真子系统、信息处理子系统和地面验证子系统.最后利用该系统开展了多项遥操作实验,对整个系统及各子系统的功能和性能进行了检验.该系统具有灵活的操作接口,既为一般用户提供了简便的用户界面,也为机器人专家提供了底层控制能力.
Several remote control modes and a layered architecture for teleoperation of space robot (LATSR) are designed aiming at the characteristic of space robot. A teleoperation system for space robot is developed, which is comprised of five subsystems: the task planning subsystem, the master-slave control subsystem, the predictive simulation subsystem, the information processing subsystem and the ground-based validation subsystem. Experimental results verify the functionality and performance of the system and its subsystems. The flexible operation interface of the system provides simple user interface for general users, and the low - level control capability for roboticists.