The 18 innovative cross combination of Yunrui series sugarcane and two contrasts (YT93-159 and ROC22) were evaluated using the similarity-difference analysis through seven traits (the plant height, stem diameter, the number of effective clusters, stem weight, Brix, clump weight and Brix weight). The results showed that the integrated identity degree of five combinations, including YR10-509xDZ03-68, YRI0-498xYT91-976, YZ03-194xYR06-4337, YR10-554x YT91-976 and DZ93-88xYR09-754, were larger than that of the two contrasts, belonged the best combinations; The integrated identity degree of 11 combinations, including YR06- 74xLC03-1137, YR09-169xLZ2, YR08-954xDZ93-88, YT91-976xYR06-8270, YZ03-194xYR06-8270, YZ03 - 194 xYR 10 -550, YR07 -3081 xGT96 -21 l, YR07 -569 xYZ05 -5 l, YR07 -596 xGT96 -211, YZ03 - 194 ~ YR10-554 and YZ99-124xYR06-8270 were between with the two contrasts, belonged to the better combinations. The 16 excellent combinations could be used as the key combinations according to appropriately increased selected ratio; the general combination should be properly reduced scale.