在L.D詹姆斯的S型生长曲线指数公式的基础上,采用具有全局搜索功能的粒子群优化(particle swam optimization,PSO)算法对公式中的参数进行优化,得到了对于多种大气污染物均适用的具有普适性的大气污染损害率计算公式和基于粒子群优化的大气质量评价模型。该评价模型与其它多种评价模型相比:不仅原理直观、评价结果准确,而且公式形式简单、计算简便,在大气质量评价领域具有较强的实用性。
Based on the formula of S growth curve index developed by L. D. James, particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm has the capability of whole search that is applied to optimize the parameters in the formula. Therefore the universal formula for calculating harm rate of atmospheric pollution that is suitable to the cases of multi-pollutants is obtained. Moreover, an assessment model for atmospheric quality based on the particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm is proposed. The model has many advantages compared with other models, such as pellucid principle and correct results, predigested formula and low computation complexity, which is useful in the field of assessing the atmospheric quality.