The aims of this study were to explore if there was any additional rule besides the four rules (rules Ⅰ , Ⅱ, Ⅲ, and Ⅳ ) proposed by Siegler (1976, 1981) and which rules were used mainly by the 10-12-year-old children. In the study 256 children from grade 4, 5 and 6 (aged 10 to 12) were presented with a computerized balance scale task. The results showed that (1) Children used rule Ⅲ A and the distance rule, apart from the four rules Siegler proposed and the compensation rule. Rule Ⅲ A included a series of specific rules between rules Ⅲ and Ⅳ. (2) The number of children who used rule Ⅲ was greater than that of children who used the compensation rule. ( 3 ) Rule Ⅰ was still the main rule that children aged 10 to 12 used. This result was different from Siegler' s argument that children aged 4 or 5 mainly used rule Ⅰ . Finally, we tried to explain these children's rules application to the balance scale task in terms of cognitive complexity and the control theory proposed by Zelazo and Frye (1999, 2003).