以3.0×10^6cells/ml的斜生栅藻(Scenedesmua obliquus)为食物,应用生命表统计学等方法比较研究了于2008年冬季采自芜湖市汀棠湖和广州市荔湾湖的萼花臂尾轮虫(Brachionus colyciflorus)在不同温度(10℃、15℃和20℃)下的生活史特征.结果显示,10%下,芜湖种群除内禀增长率外的其他各生命表统计学参数均显著大于广州种群.15℃下,芜湖种群仅世代时间和后代混交率显著大于广州种群.20℃下,芜湖种群的世代时间和后代混交率显著大于广州种群,而总生殖率、净生殖率和内禀增长率则相反.两地理种群轮虫出生时的生命期望、世代时间和平均寿命均随温度的升高而逐渐显著地缩短,内禀增长率随温度的升高而逐渐显著地增大;但缩短或增大的速率在两地理种群间存在着差异.芜湖种群的总生殖率和净生殖率不受温度的显著影响;而广州种群的总生殖率随温度升高而逐渐显著地增大,净生殖率在20℃和15℃下无显著差异,但都显著高于10℃下.芜湖种群的后代混交率在10℃下显著高于20℃下,但均与15℃间无显著性差异;广州种群的后代混交率随温度的升高而逐渐显著地增大.两地理种群内禀增长率间的差异可能与各自对所栖息的水环境年平均温度的长期适应有关,而后代混交率间的差异则是它们对水温季节变化长期适应的结果.
The characteristics of life history of rotifer Brachionus ealyciflorus collected respectively from Lake Tingtang in Wuhu City and Lake Liwan in Guangzhou City in winter, which was cultured at three statuses of temperatures ( 10℃, 15℃ and 20℃ ) with 3.0 × 10^6 cells/ml of alga Scenedesmus obliquus as their food, was studied by means of life-table demography. The results showed that, at 10℃ all the life-table demographic parameters of Wuhu population, except for the intrinsic rate of population growth, were larger than those of Guangzhou population. At 15℃, only the generation time and the proportion of sexual offspring of Wuhu population were larger than those of Guangzhou population. At 20℃, both the generation time and the proportion of sexual offspring of Wuhu population were larger than those of Guangzhou population, but the reverse were also true for the gross reproductive rate, the net reproductive rate and the intrinsic rate of population growth. With the rise of temperature, the life expectancy at hatching, the generation time and the mean lifespan of the two geographic populations of B. ealyciflorus decreased, and the intrinsic rate of population increased, but the rates of decrease or increase were different between the two geographic populations. The gross reproductive rate and the net reproductive rate of Wuhu population were both not significantly affected by the temperatures. However, the gross reproductive rate of Guangzhou population gradually increased with increasing temperature, and the net reproductive rates at 20℃ and 15℃ were similar and higher than that at 10℃. The proportion of sexual offspring of Wuhu population at 10℃ was higher than that 20℃, but both of them were similar to that at 15 ℃. The proportion of sexual offspring of Guangzhou population increased with increasing temperature. The differences in the intrinsic rate of population growth between the two geographic populations might be attributed to their long-term adaptation to the annually mean temperat