随着中国- 东盟自贸区的建立,中国与东南亚地区的经济合作不断加深。作为中国- 东盟地缘经济合作的桥头堡,缅甸一直以来都是中国对外投资的热点区域。自军政府统治以来,由于和缅甸的传统友好关系,中国成为缅甸的最大的投资者,投资主要集中在油气资源、矿业资源、水电资源开发等资源相关领域,投资主体为大型的央企、国企等。地处地缘破碎地带,物产资源丰富,缅甸历来为战略要地。民主化改革后,众多大国势力进入对缅甸的投资和贸易,既在客观上对中国的对缅直接投资形成了竞争激励,又有主观上的挤压乃至遏制;随着缅甸国内边境战事的逐渐升级,中国企业对缅投资风险加大;中国企业对外投资未能更好融入当地,由此引发的群体性排华事件,也恶化了对缅的投资环境。未来中国对缅直接投资应进一步拓宽投资领域,融入多元的投资形式,着重对缅甸经济特区进行投资,并且在投资过程中兼顾各方利益。
With the establishment of China - ASEAN Free Trade Zone, theeconomic cooperation between China and Southeast Asia has been enhanced. Asthe bridgehead of China - ASEAN economic cooperation, Myanmar has long been ahot place of China's foreign investment. Since the military regime, as thetraditional friendly neighbor country, China is Burma's biggest investor,mainly investing in the oil and gas resources, mineral resources, waterresources development and other resource-related areas by large centralenterprises, state-owned enterprises. Located in the geographicalfragmentation area, Myanmar has always been a pivot country with abundantnatural resources in Southeast Asia. Since the democratic reform, manycountries increased investment and trade with Myanmar, competing with China'sdirect investment in Myanmar. As the border wars in Myanmar escalated, the risks of Chinese enterprises’investment in Myanmar are increasing. Chinesecompanies failed to integrate into the local environment, which triggered massanti-Chinese events and worsened the investment climate in Burma. China'sdirect investment in the future should further broaden the fields ofinvestment, take diverse forms of investment, focus on the Myanmar's SEZinvestment, as well as take into account the interests of all parties in theinvestment process.