A quantum proxy signature scheme is proposed based on entanglement swapping.In this scheme,the original signer performs Bell-state measurements on her particles such that the proxy signer′s particles is entangled with the receiver′s particles.Then the original signer sends her measurement results to the proxy signer as part of her delegation certification.After-wards,the proxy signer measures his particles under the Bell-basis to complete his signature. According to the signature and the correlation of entanglement swapping,the receiver can re-construct the original message by performing appropriate unitary operations on his own parti-cles,then he can verify the proxy signature.Furthermore,the security analysis shows that the scheme satisfies the properties of unforgeability,undeniability and so on.After the original signer generates the Bell-states,it is no necessary to repeat it in later communications,so the entanglement resource is saved to a large extent.The proposed schemes can be implemented under the current laboratory techniques.