(目的)本试验旨在观察不同日龄鸡眼结膜相关淋巴组织(conjunctiva—associate lymphoidtissue,CALT)的形态结构,从而了解其不同时期的免疫状态。(方法)选择不同日龄的雏鸡,每个时期取3只雏鸡的下眼睑结膜制成冰冻切片,片厚51xm,然后进行H.E.染色。(结果)结果发现,鸡CALT的黏膜上皮为复层扁平上皮,常见杯状细胞。固有层内的淋巴细胞随着日龄增长逐渐增多,21日龄时可观察到生发中心,与淋巴滤泡相关的上皮常缺乏杯状细胞,27El龄CALT的各种组织结构基本成熟。(结论)结果表明,鸡CALT的组织结构随着日龄增长逐渐发育成熟,并在27日龄时其免疫功能基本达到成熟水平。
[Objective]The aim of this study was to investigate the histological structure of conjunctiva-associate lymphoid tissue (CALT) in chickens at different ages.[Method]With lower eyelids of chickens as tested materials, we have investigated the immune state in different period using HE stain. [Result]The mucosa epithelium of CALT was stratified squamous epithelium, goblet cells were among them. With the increasing age, there was a rising tendency in lymphocytes of lamina propria. The germinal centers appeared at 21-day-old, but the lymphoid follicle of CALT was lacking in goblet cells. It began to reach mature level at 27-day-old in terms of its histological structure. [Conclusion] The histological structure of CALT in chickens developed gradually to maturity with the increase of age, and the immune function reached the mature level basically at 27 -day-old.