In the very large scale integration (VLSI) physical design automation, circuit partitioning is a key stageand it is also an NP-hard combinatorial optimization problem. In this paper, we proposed a method for the circuitpartitioning, which was on the base of Fiduccia-Mattheyses (FM) of the single-vertex-move algorithm and madeuse of a new symmetrical rectangle structure of cells. First, this algorithm stored the cells and nets by the newsymmetrical rectangle structure of cells. And then it calculated the gains of the moving cells by the simple additionand subtraction operations. Finally, it simplified the complex calculation of original FM algorithm and implementedthe circuit partitioning. The experimental results show that the proposed new algorithm, which canguarantee the same results obtained by the original algorithm, not only significantly simplifies the implementationof the FM algorithm, but also maintains linear complexity. It can improve the partitioning results of cut edge by95.89% for several circuit examples.