Turbo乘积码(TPC)由于其优越的性能在当前许多系统中得到了应用。本文在介绍TPC基本编译码方法的基础上给出了一种新的基于OSD的迭代译码算法,在分量码SISO译码时采用Order-1 OSD与Chase相结合的方法产生候选码字,提高了输出码字和软信息的准确度。仿真结果表明,这种基于OSD的迭代译码算法性能要优于基于Chase的迭代译码算法,与基于Max-Log-MAP的迭代译码性能接近,在性能和复杂度之间获得了良好的折中。
Turbo Product Codes (TPC) have been applied in many current systems for their excellent performance. In this paper, after introducing the basic encoding and decoding method of TPC, a new iterative decoding algorithm based on OSD is proposed. During the SISO decoding of the component codes, we use a method combined from Order-1 OSD and Chase to generate the candidate codewords, which improves the accuracy of both the output codeword and soft information. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm based on OSD is better than Chase based iterative algorithm, and is very close to the iterative decoding algorithm based on Max-Log-MAP, which makes a good compromise between performance and complexity.