Based on financial frictions and price stickiness, this paper introduces liquidity shocks, fi- nancial disintermediation shocks and asset price shocks into the multi-sector DNK-DSGE model to explore the dynamic effects and the mechanism of these three shocks on real economic and financial variables. The paper also structurally estimates the parameters via Bayesian methods. Variance decomposition analysis shows that financial disintermediation and asset price fluctuations are the main driving forces of China's eco- nomic fluctuations and could explain about 30% of variation of output growth, investment growth, credit growth and inflation, while liquidity shocks have relatively weak effect and consist of less than 2% of the variation. The impulse response functions of the model suggest that positive financial disintermediation shocks and asset price shocks can largely boost the output, investment, credit, labor and funding leverage ratio. Positive liquidity shocks, although modestly increase output, investment and labor, induce a partial decline in consumption, credit and funding leverage ratio.